
中国农学通报 ›› 2005, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (8): 413-413.

所属专题: 水产渔业

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  • 出版日期:2005-08-05 发布日期:2005-08-05

Adaptability of White-leg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei ) to Alkaline Waters in Northeast China.

Yang Fuyi, Li Xiujun, Yang Xinqiao, Sun Limin   

  • Online:2005-08-05 Published:2005-08-05

摘要: 以虾塘水添加天然碱泡水为实验用水,通过室内急性毒性实验法,研究水环境碱度和pH对淡化南美白对虾幼虾的毒性效应;并对幼虾进行天然碱性水域生存能力实验,以期探讨东北地区碱性水域养殖南美白对虾的可能性。结果表明,水环境pH为7.33~7.41、盐度3.62‰~3.56‰时,碱度对幼虾毒性效应的24 h EC50值为2.78 mmol/L。水环境pH为7.41~7.62、盐度3.56‰~3.45‰时,碱度对幼虾毒性效应的24 h、48 h及96 h LC50值分别为12.94、11.89及11.65 mmol/L,SC值为3.10 mmol/L。水环境盐度在3.87‰~6.07‰条件下,碱度为5.37~19.71 mmol/L时,pH对幼虾毒性效应的24 h、48 h LpH50值分别为9.26~8.54和9.14~8.47;碱度在5.37~14.66 mmol/L时,pH对幼虾的24 h、48 h、72 h及96 h LpH50值分别为9.26~8.98、9.14~8.86、9.10~8.80和9.00~8.80。水环境碱度分别为5.37、10.72、14.66及19.71 mmol/L时,幼虾的SpH值分别为8.42、8.23、8.14和7.85。当水环境碱度在25.33~36.42 mmol/L时,碱度和pH已先于盐度限制幼虾生存。幼虾在碱度为38.78 mmol/L、盐度3.29‰、pH 9.41的天然碱性水域可生存5~9 h。幼虾对碱度和pH的适应能力不如鲢、鳙、草鱼等淡水鱼类,尚无法适应东北地区高碱度、高pH的碱性水域。

Abstract: To take the way of which natural alkaline water was added into the water of desalinated shrimp pond, acute toxicity of water alkalinity and pH to desalination white-leg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei ) juvenile shrimp was determined by one-way toxicity test in indoor, and the test of live ability of juvenile shrimp was made in natural alkaline waters. The results showed that 24, 48 and 96 hours LC50 of alkalinity to juvenile shrimp were 12.94, 11.89 and 11.65 mmol/L at pH of 7.41~7.62 and at salinity of 3.56‰~3.45‰, respectively, and SC was 3.10 mmol/L. 24 hours EC50 of alkalinity to juvenile shrimp was 2.78 mmol/L at pH of 7.33~7.41 and at salinity of 3.62‰~3.56‰. In the 3.58‰~3.31‰, when alkalinity was 5.37~ 19.71 mmol/L, 24 and 48 hours LpH50 to juvenile shrimp were 9.26~8.54 and 9.14~8.47, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours LpH50 to juvenile shrimp were 9.26~8.98, 9.14~8.86, 9.10~8.80 and 9.00~8.80 at alkalinity of 5.37~14.66 mmol/L, respectively. At alkalinity was 5.37, 10.72. 14.66 and 19.71 mmol/L, SpH to juvenile shrimp was 8.42, 8.23, 8.14 and 7.85, respectively. When alkalinity was 25.33~36.42 mmol/L, alkalinity and pH restricts juvenile shrimp live before salinity in natural alkaline waters. Adaptive capacity of juvenile shrimp to alkalinity and pH is not so powerful as of freshwater fish, it can not still adapt to high alkalinity and pH of water environment in northeast China.