
中国农学通报 ›› 2005, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 264-264.

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Evaluation on Effect of Fertrazamide on Controlling Weeds in Rice Fields


  • 出版日期:2005-04-05 发布日期:2005-04-05

Evaluation on Effect of Fertrazamide on Controlling Weeds in Rice Fields

Huang Yuanju   

  • Online:2005-04-05 Published:2005-04-05

摘要: 1999—2001年进行了50%拜田净WP在水稻插秧田和直播田防除杂草效果及对水稻安全性田间小区试验。结果表明,拜田净对水稻安全,对稗草防除效果好,施药适期长,持效期长。在插秧田50%拜田净WP 100~187.5g.ai/hm2加10%农得时WP 37.5g.ai/hm2于稗草1~1.5叶期,或50%拜田净WP 180~225g.ai/hm2加10%农得时WP 45g.ai/hm2于稗草2~2.5叶期施药,在直播田50%拜田净WP 125~187.5g.ai/hm2加10%农得时WP 37.5g.ai/h

Abstract: The field trail on the effect of 50%fertrazamide WP on controlling weeds and safety in transplant and direct-planting rice field was conducted during 1999~2001. The results showed that the herbicide was safe to rice plant and had good effeet controlling to