
中国农学通报 ›› 2005, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (7): 20-20.

所属专题: 畜牧兽医 园艺

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  • 出版日期:2005-07-05 发布日期:2005-07-05

Studies Ongrowth-promoting Mechanismof Betaine in Meat Ducks

Chen zhengdong   

  • Online:2005-07-05 Published:2005-07-05

摘要: 选用1日龄樱桃谷肉用仔雌鸭864只,随机分成6个组(每组设6个重复),参试各组按两个剂量水平(0、0.05%)的甜菜碱和三个剂量水平(0、0.06%和0.12%)的蛋氨酸分别组合添加进行2×3析因法设计。研究结果表明,在蛋氨酸相对缺乏的饲料中甜菜碱能高效替代蛋氨酸,甜菜碱比蛋氨酸对改善屠体品质更有效,甜菜碱和蛋氨酸在增重、料重比、胸肌率、腹脂率、肝脏中甜菜碱-高半胱氨酸S-甲基转移酶(BHMT)酶活性和胸肌中肉碱含量上无明显互作效应。结果揭示,甜菜碱可能通过增强甲基代谢,加强了肉碱合成,促进了长链脂肪酸的β-氧化从而达到促进生长,改善胴体的组成。

Abstract: A total of 864 day-old female meat ducks were fed one of six diets in a 2 (0 and 0.5 g betaine/kg)×3 (0, 0.6, 1.2 g methionine/kg) factorial arrangement between 0 and 41 days of age. There were six replicates of 24 ducks per treatment.The results of rearing trial showed that there were no significant interactions between betaine and DL-methionine.betaine is more effective in improving carcass quality than methionine, and also effective in promoting growth and feed efficiency of starter ducks, provided the dietary levels of methionine are not marginally limiting. The results implied that the betaine can enchance synthesis of carnitine by improving methylation metabolism and stimulate the B-oxidation of long chain fatty acids in the inner mitochondria membrane of muscle cells.