
中国农学通报 ›› 2004, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (5): 170-170.

所属专题: 资源与环境 现代农业发展与乡村振兴

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  • 出版日期:2004-10-05 发布日期:2004-10-05

Utilizing Saturation and Developing Countermeasure of Organic Manures Resources in Jiangxi Province

Zou Shaowen, Sun Jianqi, Wang Qiusheng   

  • Online:2004-10-05 Published:2004-10-05

摘要: 2001年对江西省各市县有机肥料资源、利用状况、商品有机肥料生产情况及用户进行了调查。结果表明, 江西省有机肥料资源量为13411.0万t,利用量为6199.4万t,商品有机肥产量4.1万t,有机肥料利用率为46.2%。针对目前有机肥发展存在的绿肥种植面积下降,单产低;作物秸秆总量减少,秸杆资源未充分利用;农民积造的农家肥数量锐减,粪尿类资利用率低;有机肥商品化率低等问题,提出了制订政策,加强立法;发展经济绿肥,搞好良种繁育;抓好秸杆还田,严禁就地焚烧;抓好有机肥积造;提高有机肥商品化率的建议和对策。

Abstract: The resources and utilizing saturation of organic manures, and the production of commercial organic manures, as well as the consumers in numerous cities (counties) of Jiangxi province were surveyed in the year of 2001. The results were that the contents of organic manures resource was 13411.0 ten thousand tons, the contents of utilization was 6199.4 ten thousand tons, the productive contents of commercial organic manures was 4.1 ten thousand tons, and the utilizing ratio of organic manures was 46.2%. Additionally, there were many problems in the development of organic manures, such as the reduction of planting area of green manures, the low-yields of green manures, the decline of total content of crops straw, the inadequate using of straw resources, and so on, which led to the drastic decrease of farm-manures stored by farmers, the low-level utilizing ratios of feces and urine resources, and the low rate of organic manures commerciality. On account of above problems and ill-phenomena, some suggestion and countermeasures were put forward, which were establishment of correlative policy and enhancement of legislation to expand economic green manures, to carry on good-seed breeding, to make straws return farmland, to prohibit in situ setting on fire, to advocate organic manures stockpile, and to increase the rate of organic manures commerciality.