
中国农学通报 ›› 2004, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 54-54.

所属专题: 棉花

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  • 出版日期:2004-02-05 发布日期:2004-02-05

The Evolutions and Prospect of China's Scientific and Technical Current Development on Cotton

Li Honghui,Li Junlan,Cui Shufang,Jin Weiping,Wan Yanxia,Wang Guangen   

  • Online:2004-02-05 Published:2004-02-05

摘要: 本文在种质资源、遗传育种、栽培技术、资源利用、计算机模拟模型等五方面,对我国棉花科技进展现状做了较为详细的分析,以期瞄准目标、找出差距,促进我国棉花可持续发展。

Abstract: On the field of Cotton Variety resources,Cotton Genetics and breeding,Cultural technics.The use of resources and computer-base monitoring systems etc,Analyzed the current status of China's scientific and technical development on cotton,And suggested new concepts for the future development domestically.So that we can find the distances between china and the world,Enable the development of china's cotton to sustainable agriculture.