
中国农学通报 ›› 2004, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 73-73.

所属专题: 油料作物

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郭 泰,刘忠堂,梁孝莉,张瑞平,胡喜平,王志新,吴秀红,郑 伟   

  • 出版日期:2004-02-05 发布日期:2004-02-05

The Breed selection and Valuation of Super-high yield Multi-resistance and High oil New Soybean Variety Hefeng 45

Guo tai,Liu zhongtang,Liang xiaoli,Zhang ruiping,Huo xiping,Wang zhixin,Wu xiuhong,Zheng wei   

  • Online:2004-02-05 Published:2004-02-05

摘要: 合丰45号是以绥农10号(绥农4号×绥7516)为母本,与垦农7号(绥农4号×合丰29号)为父本有性杂交育成的新品种,油分含量22.06%,蛋白质含量40.16%,区域试验平均产量2920.9kg/hm2,较对照品种合丰25号增产15.2%,生产试验平均产量2826.4kg/hm2,较对照品种绥农14号增产16.4%,抗灰斑病、抗疫霉根腐病、中抗病毒病,属于超高产、多抗、高油专用型品种,2003年由黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定推广。本文报导合丰45号的选育与试验结果,并对关键育种技术进行探讨。

Abstract: New soybean variety Hefeng 45 is released by means of sexual hybridization, with female parent suinong 10 and male parent kennong 7. The oil content of this variety is 22.06%, and the protein content is 40.16%. The yield of area test is average of 2920.9 kg/hm2, increasing yield 15.2% compare to CK Hefeng 25. The yield of production test is average of 2826.4kg/hm2, increasing yield 16.4% compare to CK suinong 14. This variety has some good characters such as Disease-resistant, Super-high yield and High oil. It have significant effect to resist Cercospora Sojina Hara, Phytophthoro sojae and Soybean Mosaic Virus. Hefeng 45 spread in 2003. This paper reported the breed selection and experimental results of new soybean variety Hefeng 45, and discussed the key breed technique.