
中国农学通报 ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (9): 120-126.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16120081

所属专题: 植物保护

• 植物保护 农药 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 云南省烟草公司丽江市公司,云南省烟草公司丽江市公司,云南省烟草公司丽江市公司,云南省烟草公司丽江市公司,云南省烟草公司丽江市公司,云南绿叶生防科技有限公司,云南绿叶生防科技有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-16 修回日期:2017-02-24 接受日期:2017-02-10 出版日期:2017-03-28 发布日期:2017-03-28
  • 通讯作者: 任伟
  • 基金资助:
    云南省烟草科技项目“烟蚜茧蜂规模释放的生态效应研究与应用”(云烟科[2015]177 号)。

Main Tobacco Diseases and Insect Pests in Aphidius gifuensis Production: Screen of Prevention and Control Measures

  • Received:2016-12-16 Revised:2017-02-24 Accepted:2017-02-10 Online:2017-03-28 Published:2017-03-28

摘要: 为筛选出防控烟蚜茧蜂生产中主要病虫害的高效措施, 通过温室试验研究了5种不同目数的尼龙网、 20种单一化学药剂、 3种混剂对烟蚜茧蜂生产中主要病虫害防治效果及对烟蚜茧蜂繁育的影响。结果表明:(1) 70目尼龙网和6%乙基多杀菌素2000倍液能有效控制斑潜蝇、 蓟马、 烟草盲蝽、 斜纹夜蛾、重寄生蜂、 食蚜蝇;(2) 2%氨基寡糖素800倍液 0.3%过磷酸钙溶液能有效防治普通花叶病、 烟草番茄斑萎病毒;(3) 6%乙基多杀菌素 24%腈菌唑1:1比例的2000倍液和25%嘧菌酯1500倍液能有效防治白粉病;(4) 6%荧光假单孢杆菌 2%奈乙酸可湿性粉剂 25%甲霜灵可湿性粉剂能有效防治烟草黑胫病、 根黑腐病, 并且上述措施均对烟蚜茧蜂影响较小。

关键词: 唐山, 唐山, 灾害性天气, 时间分布特征, 空间分布特征

Abstract: To screen high efficient measures for preventing and controlling main tobacco diseases and insect pests during the production of Aphidius gifuensis, we carried out greenhouse experiments to study the effects of 5 different sizes nylon meshes, 20 single chemical agents and 3 mixing agents on preventing and controlling of main tobacco diseases and insects pests, and their impacts on the breeding of Aphidius gifuensis. Results showed that: (1) nylon net with 70 meshes and 6% Spinetoram 2000 times could effectively control Liriomyza, Thrip Cyrtopeltistenuis (Reuter), Prodenia litura (Fabricius), Hyperpara sitic parasitism and Syrphidae; (2) the mixing agents of 2% Oligosaccharins 800 times and 0.3% Calcium superphosphate solution could effectively control tobacco mosaic virus and tomato spotted wilt virus; (3) 6% Spinetoram plus 24% Myclobutanil (1:1) 2000 times and 25% Azoxystrobin 1500 times could effectively control powdery mildew; (4) the mixing agents of 6% Pseudomonas florescence, 2% Naphthylacetic acid wettable powder (WP) and 25% Metalaxyl WP could effectively control tobacco black shank and Thielaviopsis basicola. In conclusion, the above measures had little effects on Aphidius gifuensis.