
中国农学通报 ›› 2005, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (8): 155-155.

所属专题: 水稻

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  • 出版日期:2005-08-05 发布日期:2005-08-05

The Demonstration of several strains of Rice Introduced from Abroad along Yellow River Areas in Henan

Liu Songtao, Lei Qingquan, Du Guanhua, Gong Liying   

  • Online:2005-08-05 Published:2005-08-05

摘要: 通过对几个外引水稻品种在河南沿黄地区引种试验,表明杂交稻生长速度快,抽穗较晚,但分蘖力强、成穗率高、穗粒数多,产量的增产潜力较大。除金世纪外其他几个品种与豫粳6号相比基本持平,但产量也有不同程度的提高。但金世纪品质与豫粳6号相比有较大的提高,产量也提高。

Abstract: Though the experimerting with few strains of rice introduced from abroad along Yellow areas in Henan,it shows that hybrid rice grows fast, put forth ears later, but tillers strongly, ears high, has more grains of ears and has greater potential increase in yield. Other grains of rice are almost the same as NO.6 YU Jing except Golden Century. But the yield increased in varging degrees. However compared with the quality of Golden Century is better, the yield is high NO.6 YU Jing.