
中国农学通报 ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (24): 141-146.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.2013-3351

所属专题: 水稻

• 农学 农业基础科学 • 上一篇    下一篇

‘闽恢 3301’ 系列杂交稻品种的特征特性分析


  • 收稿日期:2013-12-23 修回日期:2014-02-08 出版日期:2014-08-25 发布日期:2014-08-25
  • 基金资助:

Characteristics Analysis of Hybrid Rice Varieties Series of‘Minhui 3301’

  • Received:2013-12-23 Revised:2014-02-08 Online:2014-08-25 Published:2014-08-25

摘要: 为充分发挥‘闽恢3301’系列杂交稻新品种的增产潜力,深化福建省优质高产杂交稻的选育研究,提取福建省品种审定公告的相关资料,对福建省审定的8个‘闽恢3301’系列杂交稻品种的特征特性进行分析。结果表明,‘花2优3301’、‘Ⅱ优3301’、‘闽丰优3301’、‘全优3301’等中籼稻属重穗型品种,每穗粒数多(174.0~220.5粒),千粒重大(28.9~30.2 g),单穗重(4.39~5.19 g)是其产量优势所在;‘天优3301’、‘谷优3301’、‘连优3301’和‘泰丰优3301’等晚籼品种属于穗粒兼顾型品种;除‘谷优3301’外,其余7个品种对稻瘟病抗性较弱;影响米质的主要因素是垩白粒率(平均47.2%)和垩白度(平均9.6%)。在栽培上应注意品种的区域布局和配套栽培技术;在品种选育上应注重垩白粒率、垩白度和稻瘟病抗性的改良。

关键词: 有机磷农药 降解 施氏假单胞菌 筛选 酶学性质, 有机磷农药 降解 施氏假单胞菌 筛选 酶学性质

Abstract: The characteristics of 8 hybrid rice varieties series of‘Minhui 3301’registered in Fujian province were analyzed in this paper to investigate their yield potential and conduct further research on the breeding of high quality-yield hybrid rice varieties. The results showed that: the heavy panicle rice varieties, including the medium rice varieties‘Hua2you 3301’‘, Minfengyou 3301’‘,Ⅱyou 3301’and‘Quanyou 3301’, all had high yield advantages in grain number per panicle (174.0 to 220.5), 1 000-grain weight (28.9 to 30.2 ) and single panicle weight (4.39 to 5.19 ). The late rice varieties‘Tianyou 3301’,‘Guyou 3301’,‘Lianyou3301’and‘Taifengyou 3301’belonged to the panicle-kernel rice varieties. Among the 8 rice varieties,‘Guyou 3301’had better resistance to rice blast. Chalkiness and chalky rice rate were the main influence factors on grain quality. In future cultivation of hybrid rice, it is important to highlight regional distribution and cultivation techniques, give consideration to chalkiness, chalky rice rate and improve the resistance of hybrid rice to rice blast.