
中国农学通报 ›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (30): 33-37.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb15050183

所属专题: 小麦

• 农学 农业基础科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


李晓航,杨丽娟,盛 坤,蒋志凯   

  1. (河南省新乡市农业科学院,河南新乡 453000)
  • 收稿日期:2015-05-29 修回日期:2015-07-16 接受日期:2015-07-24 出版日期:2015-10-29 发布日期:2015-10-29
  • 通讯作者: 李晓航
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Different Irrigation Models on Yield, Distribution and Transport of Dry-matter of Wheat Plant

Li Xiaohang, Yang Lijuan, Sheng Kun, Jiang Zhikai   

  1. (Henan Province Xinxiang Academy of Agricultural Science, Xinxiang Henan 453000)
  • Received:2015-05-29 Revised:2015-07-16 Accepted:2015-07-24 Online:2015-10-29 Published:2015-10-29

摘要: 筛选出适合本地区的抗旱节水高效品种,并且探索出与之相配套的灌水模式,提高水分利用效率,为以后的在抗旱节水品种的选育及节水栽培技术的广泛推广提供理论依据。以豫北地区‘洛旱8号’、‘新麦26’、‘矮抗58’、‘周麦18’4个品种为供试材料。设置2种不同灌溉模式,不灌水(W0)、灌2水(W1)。采用裂区设计,研究在不同灌水模式处理下对不同小麦品种植株各器官干物质的积累、分配、转运及产量和产量构成因素的影响。结果得出:不同品种间植株干物质积累量和其在各器官的分配规律基本一致,‘周麦18’和‘洛旱8号’除穗颖干物质量差异显著外,其他器官干物质量差异不显著;成熟期4个品种的叶片干物质量和干物质分配无显著差别;籽粒干物质分配量和比例均在4个品种间无显著差异,各器官中的干物质向籽粒的转运量、转运率及其对籽粒的贡献率表现有显著性差异。在W0的灌水模式下,由于水分条件的制约,4个品种在该种植模式下均出现产量下降的现象,‘洛旱8号’下降幅度最小,‘周麦18’则最大。综上所述可得,‘洛旱8号’对水分的敏感性较差,抗旱能力优于其他3个品种。

关键词: 镍, 镍, 饲料, 前处理方法, 原子吸收法

Abstract: The study aims to select suitable varieties with drought resistance, water saving and high efficiency in the region, and explore an irrigation model matching these varieties, which can improve the water use efficiency. The essay can provide theory basis for dry farming water-saving culture and drought resistance breeding of wheat cultivars. ‘Luo han 8 hao’, ‘Xin mai 26’ ,‘Ai kang 58’ and ‘Zhou mai 18’ were used as test materials. Two different irrigation models were set up, including no irrigation (W0) and watering twice (W1). The effects of different irrigation models on dry matter accumulation, distribution, transport, yield and yield components of four wheat varieties were studied with split plot design. The results showed that, there was no significant difference about dry matter accumulation and ratio of grain among 4 varieties, whereas the amount of traffic, transfer rate and contribution to grain performance of dry matter was not consistent in different organs. The difference of spike dry matter between ‘Luo han 8 hao’ and ‘Zhou mai 18’ was significant. Under the irrigation model W0, because of the water restriction, the yields of all four varieties declined, ‘Luo han 8 hao’ had the smallest fall range, whereas ‘Zhou mai 18’ had the biggest fall range. In summary, the water sensitivity of ‘Luo Han 8 Hao’ was poor, and its ability of drought resistance was superior to that of the other three varieties.