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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (32): 1-6.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17110083

Special Issue: 水稻

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Cultivation Condition: Effects on Yield and Yield Characters of National Trial Rice‘Yanliangyou 2208’


  • Received:2017-11-21 Revised:2018-10-10 Accepted:2018-01-24 Online:2018-11-16 Published:2018-11-16

Abstract: To explore the cultivation measures of the national trial rice‘Yanliangyou 2208’and tap its highyield potential, this study adopted the multi-factor randomized block trial design to analyze the effects of different sowing dates, planting densities and fertilizer amounts on yield and yield characters of‘Yanliangyou 2208’. The results showed that the sowing date, planting density and fertilizer amount had extremely significant effect on the yield and yield characters of‘Yanliangyou 2208’. The yield reached the highest under the interaction effect of A2B2, A2C2 and B2C2 respectively. Under the interaction effect, the yield-related characters were more complicated in different treatments. In general, 1000-grain weight, seed setting rate and effective spike had great correlations with yield potential, and the yield potential tended to be the highest when these correlation characters were the highest among the interaction effects. In‘Yanliangyou 2208’high-yield cultivation, we should take timely sowing, reasonable planting density and focus on water and fertilizer management during grain filling stage, also, nitrogen application should be postponed appropriately. In order to increase grain number per spike and seed setting rate, spike fertilizer should be applied at the time of heading. All these measures lay a foundation for achieving high yield.