
中国农学通报 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (33): 69-75.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2020-0662

所属专题: 农业气象

• 林学·园艺·园林 • 上一篇    下一篇


池再香1(), 曾晓珊2, 李秀亚3, 龙如勇1, 宋也4, 郑国一5   

  1. 1贵州省六盘水市气象局,贵州六盘水 553001
    2贵州省山地环境气候研究所,贵州贵阳 550002
    3贵州省六盘水市农业科学研究院,贵州六盘水 553001
    4贵州省六盘水市科学技术馆,贵州六盘水 553001
    5六盘水市扶贫开发投资有限公司,贵州六盘水 553001
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-16 修回日期:2021-07-06 出版日期:2021-11-25 发布日期:2022-01-06
  • 作者简介:池再香,女,1964年出生,贵州天柱人,正研级高工,学士,主要从事农业气象服务及科学研究。通信地址:553001 贵州省六盘水市钟山西路93号 六盘水市气象局,E-mail: qxxf_850@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of High Temperature and Strong Light on Fruit Growth of Red Cartridge Kiwifruits

Chi Zaixiang1(), Zeng Xiaoshan2, Li Xiuya3, Long Ruyong1, Song Ye4, Zheng Guoyi5   

  1. 1Liupanshui Meteorological Bureau of Guizhou Province, Liupanshui Guizhou 553001
    2Guizhou Institute of Mountainous Environment and Climate, Guiyang 550002
    3Guizhou Liupanshui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Liupanshui Guizhou 553001
    4Liupanshui Science and Technology Museum of Guizhou Province, Liupanshui Guizhou 553001
    5Liupanshui Poverty Alleviation and Development Investment Co., Ltd., Liupanshui Guizhou 553001
  • Received:2020-11-16 Revised:2021-07-06 Online:2021-11-25 Published:2022-01-06


为了探明2020年5月上旬高温、强光照天气对红心猕猴桃幼果生长发育的影响,选取贵州西部3个国家气象观测站及其红心猕猴桃主要种植区的发耳、杨梅、猴场等19个基地2020年5月上旬高温、强光照天气过程中的逐日平均温度、最高温度、日照时数、太阳辐射等实时气象资料,分析高温、强光照天气对贵州西部红心猕猴桃幼果生长发育的影响。结果表明,5月3—9日,持续高温、强光照天气,导致红心猕猴桃果实日灼病严重,以都格基地红心猕猴桃果实被高温、强光照灼伤率33.3%为最高,其次是龙河、新窑两基地,其果实灼伤率在27%以上,再次是发耳、阿戛、米箩、鸡场和岩脚基地,其果实灼伤率在22%以上。在红心猕猴桃果实生长发育期,当连续4天及以上日最高温度超过35℃、太阳总辐射超过41 MJ/m2或日照时数超过10 h时,红心猕猴桃果实易发生日灼病;在红心猕猴桃果实生长发育期,当连续3天及以上日最高温度超过38℃、太阳总辐射超过41 MJ/m2或日照时数超过11 h时,红心猕猴桃果实一定发生日灼病。

关键词: 高温, 太阳辐射, 持续时间, 果实, 日灼病, 红心猕猴桃


In order to ascertain the effects of high temperature and strong light on the young fruit growth of red cartridge kiwifruit in early May 2020 in Guizhou, we selected the real-time meteorological data from 3 national meteorological stations and 19 township’s meteorological stations in the main planting areas of red cartridge kiwifruit in western Guizhou, including the daily average temperature, maximum temperature, sunshine duration and solar radiation in the process of high temperature and strong light, the effects of high temperature and strong light on the young fruit growth of red cartridge kiwifruit in western Guizhou were analyzed. The results showed that continuous high temperature and strong light led to serious sunburn of red cartridge kiwifruit from May 3 to 9. The highest sunburn rate of red cartridge kiwifruit was 33.3% in Duge base, and the second was more than 27% in Longhe base and Xinyao base, and third was more than 22% in the base of Faer, Aga, Miluo, Jichang and Yanjiao. During the fruit growth and development period of red cartridge kiwifruit, when the daily maximum temperature≥35℃, and the total solar radiation≥41 MJ/m2 or the sunshine duration≥10 hours last for 4 days or more, the fruit of red cartridge kiwifruit is prone to sunburn, and when the daily maximum temperature≥38℃, the total solar radiation≥41 MJ/m2or the sunshine duration≥11 hours last for 3 days or more, the fruit of red cartridge kiwifruit will definitely suffer from sunburn.

Key words: high temperature, solar radiation, time of duration, fruit, sunburn, red cartridge kiwifruit
