
中国农学通报 ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 8-14.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2021-0371

所属专题: 生物技术 小麦

• 农学·农业基础科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


梁增基1(), 慕芳2, 王楠2   

  1. 1长武县农业技术推广中心,陕西长武 713600
    2长武县旱作小麦育种试验中心,陕西长武 713600
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-08 修回日期:2021-10-15 出版日期:2022-02-25 发布日期:2022-03-16
  • 作者简介:梁增基,男,1933年出生,研究员,主要从事旱地小麦育种工作。通信地址:713600 陕西省长武县创业一路 农业局,Tel:13572779730,E-mail: liang34206975@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Evolution and Prospect of Wheat Breeding in Weibei Rainfed Highland Region of China

LIANG Zengji1(), MU Fang2, WANG Nan2   

  1. 1Changwu County Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Changwu, Shaanxi 713600
    2Changwu County Dry-farming Wheat Breeding Trial Center, Changwu, Shaanxi 713600
  • Received:2021-04-08 Revised:2021-10-15 Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-03-16


旨在解决渭北高原历史上小麦生产十年有九年灾害严重、产量低而不稳的问题。1964年自创条件开展小麦育种。所育品种在抗性、高产上有独特优势,推广后对当地小麦生产品种进行了4次更新换代,克服了锈、冻、旱、倒、黄矮病等严重灾害,产量从20世纪60年代的750~900 kg/hm2提高到现在的6000~7500 kg/hm2。本研究总结出5点育种经验,根据这些育种经验和新的生产发展,对本区小麦育种的前景作了展望。

关键词: 渭北高原, 小麦育种, 抗性, 高产

Abstract: Aim

ing at the agricultural damages caused by severe natural disasters, and low and unstable yield in wheat production in the history of Weibei rainfed highland region, we started to breed new wheat varieties from 1964. The wheat varieties have unique advantages in resistance to yellow rust and yellow dwarf diseases, and tolerance to cold, drought and lodging. The varieties also have a high yield potential. The promotion of these varieties has brought variety upgrading in the region for four times, resulting in a dramatic increase of wheat yield from 750-900 kg/hm2 in 1960s to 6000-7500 kg/hm2 at present. In the study, we summarized wheat breeding experiences for Weibei rainfed highland region based on the breeding practices of the past years, and discussed the prospects for wheat breeding designed for this region.

Key words: Weibe rainfed highland, wheat breeding, resistance, high yield
