
中国农学通报 ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 118-125.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0718

• 资源·环境·生态·土壤·气象 • 上一篇    下一篇


蔡哲1(), 段里成1, 郭瑞鸽1(), 刘冬梅2   

  1. 1 江西省农业气象中心,南昌 330096
    2 江西省气象数据中心,南昌 330096
  • 收稿日期:2022-08-18 修回日期:2022-12-05 出版日期:2024-02-05 发布日期:2024-01-29
  • 通讯作者:
    郭瑞鸽,女,1984年出生,河北邢台人,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事农业气象研究。通信地址:330096 江西省南昌市高新区艾溪湖二路323号,Tel:0791-82713139,E-mail:
  • 作者简介:

    蔡哲,男,1979年出生,江西南昌人,正研级高级工程师,硕士,主要从事农业气象灾害研究。通信地址:330096 江西省南昌市高新区艾溪湖二路323号,Tel:0791-82713140,E-mail:

  • 基金资助:
    中国气象局作物产量预报专项项目“双季早稻早播气象适用技术研究与推广”(CLYB2020ZX0202); 江西省气象局重点项目“双季水稻主要气象灾害风险评价技术研究及应用”(JXQXZD202107); 江西省气象局青年人才项目“江西省再生稻适宜种植期及种植区域研究”(JXQXQN201905); 江西省气象局面上项目“自动土壤水分数据的质量评估及订正方法研究”(JX2022M07)

Characteristics of Soil Temperature Variation in Jiangxi Province and Its Relationship with Meteorological Elements

CAI Zhe1(), DUAN Licheng1, GUO Ruige1(), LIU Dongmei2   

  1. 1 Agricultural Meteorology Center of Jiangxi, Nanchang 330096
    2 The Meteorological Data Center of Jiangxi, Nanchang 330096
  • Received:2022-08-18 Revised:2022-12-05 Published-:2024-02-05 Online:2024-01-29



关键词: 土壤温度, 季节变化, 区域差异, 气象要素, 江西省


Understanding the influencing factors, depth variation, seasonal variation and regional differences of soil temperature in Jiangxi Province can provide research basis for soil physical and chemical properties, soil biological distribution, growth and development. It provides scientific reference for agricultural planting and ecological construction. Based on the monthly average data of soil temperature, air temperature, precipitation, sunshine and relative humidity in each layer of ground meteorological data from 2005 to 2020, this study analyzed the seasonal variation of soil temperature in each layer of Jiangxi Province, the relationship between soil temperature and depth and its regional difference characteristics, and summarized the influence of various meteorological elements on soil temperature in each layer. The results showed that the seasonal variation of soil temperature in different layers in Jiangxi Province was very obvious. The hysteresis of soil temperature change became more obvious with the increase of soil depth. In spring and summer, the soil temperature decreased with the increase of soil depth, but the temperature variation decreased. Soil temperature increased with soil depth in autumn and winter, and the temperature changed greatly. The seasonal variation of soil temperature was different among different regions, and there was a quadratic linear relationship between soil temperature and depth. There were obvious differences in the correlation between soil temperature and meteorological elements in different regions. Single meteorological element had little influence on soil temperature and temperature, while the interaction of multiple meteorological elements had more obvious influence on soil temperature.

Key words: soil temperature, seasonal variation, regional variation, meteorological elements, Jiangxi Province