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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (22): 176-182.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16010101

Special Issue: 农业气象

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Heavy Rainfall Caused by Typhoon 1211 (Haikui) in Huangshan and Saddle Type Geopotential Height Fields

Wu Youxun1, Chen Xiaohong2, Zhang Conggui3, Wu Yongze3   

  1. (1Xuancheng Meteorological Bureau, Xuancheng Anhui 242000; 2Anhui Meteorological Observatory, Hefei 230061; 3Huangshan Meteorological Management Office, Huangshan Anhui 242709)
  • Received:2016-01-21 Revised:2016-07-22 Accepted:2016-02-22 Online:2016-08-09 Published:2016-08-09

Abstract: The paper aims to improve the forecasting ability of typhoon and rainstorm weather, and serve the tourism industry in Huangshan. Based on the NCEP FNL global analysis data, the typhoon path data and the meteorological observation data in Huangshan of Anhui Province, the authors did weather process analysis of the heavy rainfall in Huangshan caused by typhoon 1211 (Haikui) during August 8-11, 2012. The main results were as follows: warm moist air was forced uplift in the windward slope of Huangshan. The typhoon “Haikui” was stagnant in the 850 hPa saddle type geopotential height fields. Therefore, a continuous heavy rainfall happened. The subtropical upper-level westerly jet was located in the stations for a long period, and produced a strong ascending motion which was the dynamic mechanism of the occurrence and development of heavy rainfall. The continued low-level easterly airstream from the sea was the conveyor belt of heat, moisture and power, which were added to the typhoon circulation and formed an important condition for the occurrence and maintenance of the heavy rainfall. The pseudo-equivalent potential temperature of low altitude was decreased with the height, therefore, the potential convective instability existed.

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