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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2006, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (11): 75-75.

Special Issue: 园艺

• 生物技术科学 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on Technology of Tissue Culture the Seedling’s Rooting in Grape Outside the Bottle

Wang Rong , Gu Jian xing, He Mei   

  • Online:2006-11-05 Published:2006-11-05

Abstract: The paper researches the different type and the density growth hormone which induct rooting tissue culture the seedling in grape outside the bottle, and, the effect of tissue culture the seedling’s rooting in grape was observed in the different processing matrix, the different temperature, and the different physiological age condition .we established the grape group to cultivate the technical optimization system which can directly took root outside the bottle. The result indicated that use 300mg/L IBA soaks with the density dips processing the cutting, 27~29 ℃ environmental condition raises under the matrix pearlite, the root rates to be possible to reach 85.5 %, after transplanted nursery stock's survival rate to reach 98 %, was opposite had a bigger enhancement to the alternative means. establishment of technology is helpful to the realization of commercial expansion.in grape factorization culture of seedling

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