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    Research on the Development Strategic of Family Farm in China Based on SWOT-AHP Model
    Peng Wang, Gang Yang
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin    2020, 36 (10): 150-157.   DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20191100805
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    The paper aims to comprehensively analyze all factors affecting the development of family farm, and formulate its reasonable development strategy. We combined SWOT analysis method with analytic hierarchy model to construct the analysis model of family farm, then calculated the weight of those factors, and determined the development strategy of the family farm. Research shows that: first, the best way to develop family farm is focusing on striving strategy at present, in other words, using the external opportunities of family farm to overcome the internal obstacles, such as improving the land transfer system actively, enhancing the infrastructure construction and cultivating new professional farmers; second, taking pioneering strategy as the supplementary, consolidating the advantage of scale efficiency and product competitiveness, such as speeding up the circulation of land, and introducing advanced science technology and management technology.

    Study on the Specific Performance and Induced Problems of Rural Decline in Southwest China
    Ligui Tang
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin    2020, 36 (10): 158-164.   DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18120053
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