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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (21): 92-97.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20190500217

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Biological Weeding in Abandoned Land: Effect and Its Influence on Soil Fertility

Li Yan, Luo Youjin, Yu Duan, Ma Lianjie, Zhang Hui, Liao Dunxiu()   

  1. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chongqing 401329
  • Received:2019-05-30 Revised:2019-07-10 Online:2020-07-25 Published:2020-07-21
  • Contact: Liao Dunxiu E-mail:664852751@qq.com


As an effective weeding method, biological weeding has many advantages. The change law of weeds and the soil fertility after biological weeding are studied to provide technical support for the development of ecological agriculture. In the localized experiment, overgrazing experiment in abandoned land was conducted in different seasons by setting up different bio-combination modes. The weed species, the weed biomass and the soil properties before and after weeding were analyzed, and the easy and efficient weeding mode was screened. The results showed that the weeding effect of chicken in dry land in spring and the weeding effect of goose in paddy field in winter were affected by stocking density, and the herbicidal effect of goose+chicken combination mode was better than any single mode. The contents of organic matter, ammonium nitrogen and available phosphorus in the soil increased after the weeding of chickens in the dry land and geese in paddy field, but the increasing amount varied from different seasons, while the pH value decreased. Applying the weeding of goose+chicken combination mode in dry land and paddy fields, all the nutrients’ content increased except pH value. The use of poultry to weed the wasteland can not only achieve the purpose of weeding, but also improve the soil fertility level to a certain extent, but attention should be paid to the soil pH reduction caused by manure decomposing.

Key words: abandoned land, chicken, goose, biological weeding, soil fertility

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