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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 83-89.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18110009

Special Issue: 资源与环境 园艺 农业生态

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Landscape and Ecological Benefit Analysis of Tree Species in Limestone Mountains Based on TOPSIS Method

Zhang Ruming, Li Yiran, Li Zedong, Cao Zhen, Zhang Yongtao()   

  1. Forestry College of Shandong Agricultural University/ Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Ecological Restoration/ Taishan Forest Eco-station of State Forestry Administration, Tai’an Shandong 271018
  • Received:2018-11-05 Revised:2018-12-14 Online:2020-02-05 Published:2020-02-08
  • Contact: Zhang Yongtao E-mail:yongtaozhang@126.com


To select tree species for landscape greening and achieve ecological benefits of barren hills in limestone mountains, we took nine species of 10-year-old tree in the typical limestone mountainous area of central southern Shandong Province as research objects, and studied the landscape and ecological benefits by field sampling and quantitative analysis. The landscape benefits were evaluated from the seasonal variation, ornamental value, tree shape, plant species, green view index, canopy closure, penetration distance, crown width and plant height of the tree species, and the ecological benefits were evaluated from litter stock volume, soil bulk density, total soil porosity, increased water storage, permeation rate, amount of erosion, organic matter, carbon sink. Then excellent tree species suitable for planting in limestone mountains were selected. The results showed that among the nine tree species, the landscape and ecological benefits of Acer mono were the best, followed by that of Robinia pseudoacacia and Pistacia chinensis. This research could improve the quality of forests in limestone mountains and better use the multi-functional benefits of the forest in Shandong Province.

Key words: limestone mountain, landscape benefit, ecological benefits, TOPSIS method

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