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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (18): 128-132.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2021-0699

Special Issue: 生物技术 园艺

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Medicinal Plant Resource Silybum marianum L. Gaertn: A Review

HE Zelin1(), CHEN Jing2, NI Hongtao1(), ZHANG Shuquan2, HU Yingying2, LI Cen2   

  1. 1College of Modern Agriculture and Ecological Environment, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080
    2Institute of Industrial Crops, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086
  • Received:2021-07-21 Revised:2021-09-07 Online:2022-06-25 Published:2022-07-14
  • Contact: NI Hongtao E-mail:15771776893@163.com;1303589054@qq.com


The main active ingredient of Silybum marianum L. Gaertn is the flavonoid silymarin, which can inhibit damage, treat cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and has antitumor effect. It is especially effective in liver injury treatment. In this study, the current research progress of the medicinal plant Silybum marianum L. Gaertn is reviewed in terms of botanical characteristics, cultivation techniques, active ingredients and pharmacological effects. The study aims to provide reference for further improving the cultivation technology and developing the medicinal value of Silybum marianum L. Gaertn. It is found that Silybum marianum L. Gaertn can regulate plant growth and development under abiotic stress by affecting secondary metabolites, antioxidant enzyme activities and osmoregulatory substance content. In addition, the application of exogenous plant growth hormone can resist the external stress and promote the plant growth and development of Silybum marianum L. Gaertn. Moderate abiotic stress such as drought and salinity and alkalinity can improve the accumulation of active ingredients in Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.

Key words: Silybum marianum L. Gaertn, silymarin, biological characteristics, chemical composition, pharmacological action

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