
中国农学通报 ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (33): 18-24.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20190600256

所属专题: 玉米

• 农学 农业基础科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.吉林大学植物科学学院作物学系;2.吉林大学植物科学学院;3.吉林大学植物科学学院植物保护系
  • 收稿日期:2019-06-08 修回日期:2019-08-08 接受日期:2019-09-12 出版日期:2019-11-25 发布日期:2019-11-25
  • 通讯作者: 潘洪玉
  • 基金资助:
    吉林省省校共建计划专项“玉米高产抗病MAS育种关键技术体系的研究”(SXGJQY2017-08);“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目“北方玉米 有害生物防治指标与农药减施关键技术创新与优化”(2017YFD0201802);吉林省重点科技研发项目“玉米主要病虫害应急规模化绿色防控关键技术 研究与示范”(20180201012NY)。

Combining Ability and Hereditary Effect of Ear-related Characters in Maize

  • Received:2019-06-08 Revised:2019-08-08 Accepted:2019-09-12 Online:2019-11-25 Published:2019-11-25

摘要: 为了明确玉米果穗相关性状的配合力及其遗传效应,按NCⅡ遗传交配设计,对参试的20个玉米自交系(9个母本,11个父本)的9个性状的一般配合力、特殊配合力、广义遗传力、狭义遗传力进行分析。结果表明,5个自交系JZF5、JZF2、JZM10、JZM5、JZM3在穗粒重等多个性状上兼具一般配合力(GCA)有益的显著或极显著值。穗粒重特殊配合力(SCA)排名前5的杂交组合JZF5×JZM4、JZF2×JZM1、JZF8×JZM5、JZF6×JZM5、JZF7×JZM5,它们的亲本之一穗粒重GCA为极显著正值,提示在杂交种组配时应兼顾GCA和SCA效应。穗长、秃尖长、行粒数、穗行数、水份含量加性遗传方差占比大于70%,穗粒重的加性遗传方差占比为35.7%,主要由非加性遗传方差构成。广义遗传力上,水份含量>秃尖长>穗行数>穗长>穗粒重>行粒数>穗轴重>穗宽>百粒重,其中秃尖长、穗行数的广义遗传力大于60%,水分含量的广义遗传力大于70%。狭义遗传力上,秃尖长>水份含量>穗行数>穗长>行粒数>穗轴重>穗宽>百粒重>穗粒重,其中秃尖长、水份含量和穗行数的狭义遗传力大于50%,适宜在早代进行选择;百粒重和穗粒重的狭义遗传力最低,分别是22.8%和19.7%,不宜在早代进行选择。本研究的果穗部分性状供试特性偏向父本,建议关注父本对玉米杂交种果穗相关性状的重要影响。

关键词: 盐碱地, 盐碱地, 冬小麦, 腐殖酸, 活性钙, 微量元素

Abstract: In order to clarify the combining ability and genetic effects of ear-related traits in maize, according to NC II genetic mating design, 9 traits of 20 maize inbred lines (9 female parents and 11 male parents) were analyzed.of the general combining ability(GCA), special combining ability(SCA), the broad-sense heritability(h2b) and the narrow-sense heritability(h2n) .The results showed that five inbred lines, namely JZF5, JZF2, JZM10, JZM5 and JZM3, were beneficial significant or extremely significant in GCA of multiple traits. The top 5 hybrid combinations of SCA in kernel weight were JZF5*JZM4, JZF2*JZM1, JZF8*JZM5, JZF6*JZM5, JZF7*JZM5, one of their parents had a very significant positive GCA for grain weight, suggesting that both GCA and SCA effects should be taken into account in hybrid combinations. The additive genetic variance of ear length, bald tip length, grain number per row, row number and water content accounted for more than 70%, and kernel weight accounted for 35.7%, which was mainly composed of non-additive genetic variance. For the h2b, water content > bald tip length > row number > ear length > kernel weight > grain number per row > cob weight > ear width > 100-grain weight, in which bare tip length and row number is more than 60%, and water content is more than 70%. For the h2n, bald tip length > water content > ear row number > ear length > grain number per row> cob weight > ear width > 100-grain weight >kernel weigh, the h2n of bald tip length, water content and ear row number is more than 50%, suitable for early generation selection; the lowest h2n of100-grain weight and kernel weight, 22.8% and 19.7% respectively, which was not suitable for selection in early generations. In this study, some traits of the subjects deviation to male parents,which suggested more attention should be paid to the important effects of male parents on ear-related traits of maize hybrids.