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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 23-29.doi: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18080029

Special Issue: 小麦

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Phosphorus Utilization in Winter Wheat Production in North China

Lin Feiyang1, Wang Liming2, Xu Xiuchun1, Du Aifang1, Meng Fanqiao1()   

  1. 1College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193
    2College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018
  • Received:2018-08-08 Revised:2018-11-16 Online:2020-01-25 Published:2020-01-22
  • Contact: Meng Fanqiao E-mail:mengfq@cau.edu.cn


In China’s agricultural intensification process, the low utilization efficiency of chemical fertilizers, especially phosphorus (P) fertilizer, and the high residual of P fertilizer in soil could cause the waste of P resources and the increase of diffusion pollution risk from P leaching and run-off. Through literature review, this paper collected the publications on winter wheat experiments in North China and Shaanxi and Shanxi since 1980, analyzed the data of wheat production and P fertilization. A regression modeling equation on grain and crop yield of winter wheat and P fertilizer application rate and the P content of wheat grain and straw was developed. At the fertilizer rate of 61 kg P2O5/hm 2, the winter wheat-soil system exhibited the balanced input and output of P. With the increase of fertilizer P, the positive P balance (input-output) increased linearly with the fertilizer P rate. At the current fertilizer rate of 102 kg P2O5/hm 2, the fertilizer P residual after crop harvest was about 25.7 kg P2O5/hm 2. The average utilization efficiency of phosphate fertilizer in winter wheat production in North China was (14.7±7.6)% and nitrogen fertilizer helped to increase this efficiency. On the whole, the use efficiency of diammonium phosphate via winter wheat is higher than that of calcium superphosphate, and the mixed application of organic fertilizer with chemical P fertilizer also favors the P utilization efficiency. Among the wheat varieties, ‘Zhengmai 9023’ has the highest P fertilizer efficiency. The utilization efficiency of fertilizer P via winter wheat in North China can be improved by selecting appropriate type of phosphate fertilizer and wheat varieties, the reasonable nitrogen fertilization as well as the combined use of organic and chemical P fertilizers. These practices have high implications for improving fertilizer P use efficiency, reducing the losses of fertilizer P and mitigating diffusion pollution in North China.

Key words: winter wheat, North China, phosphate fertilizer, utilization efficiency, crop varieties

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